Forum rules
Costume making, prop building and other '66 Bat-related arts and crafts. Great place for info and helpful tips. Proudly display your latest creation. Please keep it '66 Batman related otherwise it will be moved to OFF-TOPIC.
(NO SOLICITATION). If you're looking to BUY or SELL something, go to the MERCHANDISE SECTION. Even if you're trying to assemble a costume by buying or acquiring different crafted items rather than constructing or customizing them yourself, then it belongs in the MERCHANDISE SECTION. Don't even ask somebody if they're planning on selling something within this section.
Be sure to read the Board Rules as well before posting for the first time.
I recently came across an "Entertainment Earth" exclusive Jax figure, from the MezcoToyz "Sons of Anarchy" line of action figures. With only a little tweaking, I think the torso will be useful as a Chief O'Hara custom. Now I am in search of a suitable head.
Destined to be my next 6" customs for the "Batman '66" series: Cabala (pants already there); Mad Hatter in fez; Bizarro Superman; a G.O.O.N.; and Chief O'Hara.
Figures used include: Hasbro "Indiana Jones movies" Walter Donovan head on Kazim body; spare Donovan fright head on a McFarlane "Batman '66" Superman body; McFarlane "New Adventures of Batman" pink Riddler holding Mezco "Sons of Anarchy" Jax head; Hasbro The Client head on Hasbro Jax body.