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General goings on in the 1966 Batman World

Moderators: Scott Sebring, Ben Bentley

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Scott Sebring
Site Admin
Posts: 418
Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:50 pm

Rules Apply - Read before you post.

Post by Scott Sebring »

In this world of various social media outlets, people often forget that all of these places have rules and those rules vary from venue to venue. Having said that, this forum has it's own set of long standing policies that every member who joins agrees to when participating here. This is NOT a public forum. You become a member to post here and agree to such rules and policies. Nobody's civil rights are being violated or impeded by any actions taken to posts that do not fall within these guidelines, policies and rules. Pretty simple stuff. Our playground. Our rules.

If you have never actually read them, you should check them out here:

I know we are much more strict than many other places on the world wide web but most of these were set up up many years ago to help it be a kid friendly, no hassle zone and maintain the civil nature of this board. So here are a couple key points that stand out for us:

1) We are rated "G." Not PG or PG-13 or even what is considered TV-PG, TV-14 or beyond.

2) We are a no flame, no hassle zone for EVERYBODY. Can't say something nice about somebody? Can't do it here. Want to wage war somewhere? Can't talk about it here. Want to warn everybody about any possible or proven crooked vendors? Sorry, but that is not up for discussion here. Customer service issues, complaints and related settlements are not going to be discussed here. Charlie Manson and Hitler don't even get bad mouthed. There's plenty of places on the web for that sort of stuff but not here. Ever. It creates too much behind the scene drama for the admin, moderators and involved members. We would rather shut down the forum for good than have that can of worms be a part of our lives here again.

3) No politics, religion or hot topics are discussed here. Once again, there are are plenty of other outlets for that dialogue but not here.
Details can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18

4) Sexism or battle of the sexes. Details can be read here:

5) Our Merchandise rules are very specific. Please check them out:

Many folks are well aware of these but we always have newcomers and we even have folks who never bother reading the policies before posting and become upset once action is taken on their post in either locking, editing or deletion. Knowing is half the battle.

Have fun, play nice and be aware. Thank you.